Category: Work

  • Trove zone relevancy bubbles

    I often set myself little challenges to come up with a method that solves a problem or improves something (usually somehow related to something at work, or something from the GLAM sector). It will usually involve some technique, or programming feature that I’m trying to learn. Practical learning. In this case, I was looking at…

  • Lost diggers

    In my previous post I spoke about owning your own content and controlling how it’s published. This post is something that demonstrates the value of having your content online. I’ve never written about this before, I don’t know why, it was very interesting to be part of. At the start of 2010 I gave a…

  • It’s not an advanced search, it’s an advanced interface

    The ability to converse with computers has for a long time been the realm of science fiction – 2001 and HAL 9000 (or if you were a child of the 80’s maybe the Knight Industries Two Thousand). In the past few years we’ve started to see speech interaction become much more common thanks to services like Siri…

  • Forte: the National Library of Australia’s sheet music collection iPad app

    A man walks into a reading room, hands over his iPad and says “Hi, my name is Jake and I’ve built this”… Let’s go back in time In March 2011 the National Library placed a dataset of our sheet music collection up at This was to be used as one of the datasets for…

  • Trove and the Australian Women’s Weekly

    Yesterday the National Library of Australia launched fully searchable digitsed versions of the Australian Women’s Weekly. It’s a fantastic resource for searching, but I find the interface a little time consuming for just browsing through issues & looking at the stories, images and advertisements. Luckily there is a very simple alternative. Step 1. When you…