Category: Personal

  • Internet cold turkey

    I’ve recently just come back from 5 weeks holidaying in South America. I left with the intention of going totally internet cold turkey for this period of time. I wasn’t going to actively seek out the hotels computers or an internet cafe to check my emails, update twitter or facebook, or even upload any holiday…

  • A Frasier moment

    This morning I lined up to get a couple of tickets to the Australian Chamber Orchestra’s upcoming performance of Vivalidi’s Four Seasons.  What I didn’t know was that this morning tickets went on sale for the rugby league grand final.  You could image the dirty looks I got from the people in the line when…

  • Web Directions south wrap up

    Web Directions South is over for another year and what a fantastic event it was.At Web Essentials last year, I thought the focus was on standards and accesibility. This year, talk of standards took a bit of a back seat. This is an incredible leap forward in the last 12 months. I guess at a…

  • Web Directions

    On Tuesday I’m heading off to Sydney for Web Directions. I can’t wait. If it’s anything like Web Essentials was last year I’m in for a great 4 days. I’ve managed to score a place on the workshops that are being held in the two days leading up to the conferece. On Tuesday I’m doing…

  • A few changes so it’s still not there

    So it’s been a while since the last post, and the site is still not finished. I kind of got a bit done on it while I was sitting up late watching the Tour de France and the World Cup, but since then it’s all stalled a little. The IA still doesn’t exist, the layout…